Saturday, July 9, 2022

Out at sea

It's our first day out at sea. Petra proudly showed us the ship and presented us to its crew. It consisted of four humans total: all male other than Petra, who was in-charge of the science performed on the vessel. "I can fly, too" Petra joked and pointed towards the ship's helicopter. The men were in-charge of the ship and of maintaining the helicopter. None paid much attention to us. They could not understand me. But I could see none could follow my advice or consider it seriously even if my brilliant speaches were translated for their benefit. The males of all species think they know best.

"So what do you do?" asked Codrin

Petra: "I take samples of the ocean and check its health. The ocean is like a big garden. And the diversity of species and plants tells us about the health of the planet at sea just as much as it does on Earth. We lose many species every year."

Codrin: "you are like the doctor of the sea only you don't fix the problems you find. I believe humans should use their power to increase diversity at sea and on land. For example, the pointless cruising of the ocean could be replaced with ships like this that monitored it and humans could stop using the ocean as a dump site. Then the diversity would slowly increase."

Petra: "I love the sea, and I wish I could help it recover from the mess we created. Unfortunately, lawmakers don't care about science. Anyhow, let's move on. Do you want to my lastest inventions?"

Codrin: Sure. I've always found them both brilliant and useful!

Some rings with something like a bead on them were sitting on a small table.

Petra: These are light, water-proof GPS bracelets. You should all wear one in case you get lost. Let me put them on you.

I and Narcisa wore the bracelets proudly. Codrin accepted his out of loyalty for Petra, but Cawlin wanted nobody to know his wearabouts. "Birds should have the right to privacy just like humans. We are supperior. We don't need metal wings to fly!" he cawed loudly.

Her next invetion was a translator of kinds. In translated some basic words from our complex quacking, and even tried to go the other way. It gave commands and expected a duck to obey. As if I wanted to obey somebody's commands...but I admit the translator could be useful if Codrin is not here and I want to tell Petra what to do.

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