Saturday, January 4, 2025

A discussion in an unknown language

I am having a discussion with Voievod Vlad. Not knowing his language well I am confused. I don't know what we are actually saying to each other. I go into the house because I am cold. He sounds triumfant. It must have been an argument about who is in charge. He thinks he won. He has feathers, I don't.

Vlad Tepes is a pigeon I rescued last year around Christmas time. He had a broken wing. He is a reminder of how resilient life can be. After we found him, I built an enclosure for him to guard him from our cats. They jumped against his door until it fell apart. A year has passed. Vlad and prince Charles, our now grown kitten sleep in a corner of the veranda. They don't speak each other's language just like they don't speak mine, but we communicate. The lack of freedom was a stronger threat than any predator. So aliances were formed, and these aliances still hold one year down the road.


A discussion in an unknown language

I am having a discussion with Voievod Vlad. Not knowing his language well I am confused. I don't know what we are actually saying to e...