Friday, November 9, 2018

Goats eating nettles, studying, homework and my teacher

School composition. 4th grade. 1st Semester. Title: Invatatoarea mea (My school teacher).

Mother and Son
me and Mocha Latte
I discuss school matters with my goats. I tell them that they do not have to sit in front of a small desk with thirty other goats for five hours every day. They do not need to study mathematics, history or German. They have a big enough yard where they run and eat grass and nettles. The nettles are eaten only when there is nothing else available. My goats eat nettles carefully, yet very fast to avoid getting stung or itchy. The nettles are like my lessons in school. My teacher and my classmates are the ones I come to school for and learn from. My teacher inspires me to study and always reminds us we do it for our own good and not for herself.

By Edward

Titlu: Invatatoarea mea

Discut despre scoala cu caprele mele. Le spun ca ele nu trebuie sa stea intr-o banca jumatate de zi. Ele nu trebuie sa faca matematica, istorie sau germana. Au o curte destul de mare unde alearga si mananca iarba si urzici. Urzicile sunt mancate de ele doar cand trebuie si atunci le mananca atent si repede sa nu se pitige. Uzricile sunt ca lectiile de la scoala. Invatatoarea si colegii mei sunt cei pentru care vin la scoala si fac lectii. Ea ne inspira sa invatam si ne spune ca este pentru binele nostru si nu al ei.


PS1: I was asked to write a composition about my primary school teacher. I read it in class and everyone thought it was funny. So, I decided to post it here. Mom said I could have expressed my love and admiration for Frau more eloquently than by comparing doing lessons and homework with the goats eating nettles. I do think very highly of my teacher. She allowed me to skip two years of school (I am eight and everyone in my year is 10 or older), and taught me to read and write. I would have been bored stiff in another year of kindergarten or in clasa 0 + first grade. Starting school in second grade worked out well for me. She believed in me and that's what I needed to fit in. I am in fourth grade now and it is nice to write some things down to remember.

My garden before the goats
PS2: Almost everything in the garden is gone by now. This is how it used to look before the goats moved in.

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